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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Animated Animal Powerpoint from A to Z

Animated Animal Powerpoint from A to Z

An animated presentation for the Smartboard that children will enjoy. All letters are represented except the letter x. Great for topics on Animals, Letters and Sounds or Alphabet / Phonics work. Children can also choose an animal to find out more about.
Things that Work Sorting Activity

Things that Work Sorting Activity

36 pictures of things that *work * for children to discuss and sort into rooms of the house where they might be found. Children can cut and paste pictures or use the grids to write lists.
20 Drinks Flashcards

20 Drinks Flashcards

20 Drinks Flashcards / visual aids with 2 on each page. Supports topic work on Food and drinks as well as looking at containers and materials. Useful too, for displays and speaking and listening activities.
The Senses Doodles Worksheets KS1

The Senses Doodles Worksheets KS1

5 worksheets based on the Senses - look, listen, touch, taste, smell. Each sheet has a different sense as it’s theme. Children can colour these in and discuss them. They can then create a doodle sheet of their own for one or more of the senses.
Insects Labels to Colour and Match

Insects Labels to Colour and Match

12 insect round labels both black and white and colour for children to use in their topic on Insects or Minibeasts. Compatable with Avery labels if you want to make them into stickers. Children will love these on their minibeast hunts.
On the Farm for Early Learners

On the Farm for Early Learners

4 worksheets and a cut and make collage farm sheet. Sheets 1 to 3 show Daisy Farm and Daisy the farmer, together with 4 animals or things that you find on the farm such as a barn or tractor. Children can read the words, trace over them and colour in the pictures. The final sheet shows all the pictures with a border for children to cut around and then assemble to make a farm picture or collage.
Electricity Counting to 10

Electricity Counting to 10

3 worksheets linked to Science, Homes and Maths topics. The symbols used are all in colour and Boardmaker licenced. Each sheet has pictures of objects that require the use of power to make them work. Children count the objects in each box from one to eight. They can match them to the number words at the bottom of the pages. Extend by asking the children to cut out the pictures and order them from 1 to 10. Use the template on the last page for children to paste their pictures into in order.
Insects Adventure Match, Colour, Write

Insects Adventure Match, Colour, Write

10 Insects worksheets for EYFS or Key Stage 1. Each sheet has 2 parts, a colourful insect and a black and white matching insect. The aim is for children to recognise and name the insects, write the sentences and colour the black and white pictures to match the colour versions. Each picture has a thick outline that supports children if they want to cut out the shapes. The pictures enhance displays on Insects and encourages speaking and listening and observation around colour and insects.
4 Harvest Labelling Sheets

4 Harvest Labelling Sheets

4 colour labelling sheets with a Harvest theme. Children can write a word or caption underneath each picture or cut them out, paste and write a sentence or Harvest story.
Earth Day Happy and Sad Earths to Sort

Earth Day Happy and Sad Earths to Sort

2 sets of cards for children to talk about, cut and sort when celebrating Earth Day. Page 1 shows 12 colour pictures of cartoon happy Earth faces with different decorations to show what makes Earth happy. Page 2 shows 12 colour pictures of cartoon sad Earth faces with decorations to show the sort of things that make Earth sad. Page 3 is an Earth Day poster which would be useful on your Earth Day display. Extend by asking the children to create a cartoon happy and sad Earth of their own.
Let's Talk about Light and Dark

Let's Talk about Light and Dark

A black and white and matching colour poster with a Light and Dark theme. Link to your Science lessons / Physical Processes. Encourage children to closely observe the symbols in the poster and talk about the different lights and any others they can think of. Lights can be sorted e.g. those operated with a battery and those with flames. Page 3 is a writing or drawing template - children draw or write the different lights that they see in the poster. Bring in a safety theme especially around matches and naked flames. Extend with a walk around school - what other lights or light sources can they find? Boardmaker Licenced
Science Sorting Cards for KS1

Science Sorting Cards for KS1

Sets of cards for sorting or making sets in Science or topic work for KS1. There are multiple copies of each card for cutting and using in lessons. Card sets are as follows: Solid, gas, liquid Natural, man made Fruit, vegetables Animals,plants Paper, fabric, card Fish, bird, insect 2,4, 6 legs
Early Years Science Wind and Air

Early Years Science Wind and Air

A collection of resources for your early years topics on Wind / Air or Science. Activity Ideas Firstly, there is a colour poster to discuss with the children. They find out that Air helps to move things. Stong winds may be needed to help move heavier objects. They can decide if they could create enough wind to move objects like the hand fan or blow into objects like the whistle to make sound, or the bubble wand to make bubbles. There are small cards to cut out which correspond to the poster for children to match or talk about. There is a colouring sheet and 2 kite sheets - one colour and one black and white. Children can copy the colour patterns or make up their own. Practical Ideas Children could experiment with blowing into their hands or blowing feathers on a table to move them. Make bubbles or use ready made ones for outdoor or indoor fun. Make and fly kites. Make paper planes and fly. Blow up balloons and let go. With the inhaler, you could explain how this is used - there may be a child with asthma who could help to explain. Talk about the lungs here and their importance.
Staying Safe in the Sun Activities

Staying Safe in the Sun Activities

Activities for EYFS/KS1 and SEND pupils with a Science theme. There is a colour poster showing symbols connected to staying safe in the sun. Children can discuss these and label them. The same poster is also in black and white for children to colour in and label. Children can fill in sheet 3 with as many ways of staying safe in the sun that they can think of. They can draw or write in the writing frame. Next is a simple poem to share with your class called ‘Having fun in the sun’. Children can listen out for symbols or pictures shown in the posters. Then, they can write their own poem or story in the template given. For a complete lesson, add props such as sun hats, sun cream and sun glasses and children can handle these and use their senses. Boardmaker licenced
10 Autumn Picture Grids to Copy KS1

10 Autumn Picture Grids to Copy KS1

Unveil the wonders of autumn to your KS1 children with this resource featuring 10 picture grids! Each grid showcases an autumn-themed image, ranging from an apple and a pumpkin to a playful squirrel. The resource is designed to encourage children to replicate these seasonal illustrations onto a blank grid, square by square, fostering their observational and fine motor skills. A fun way to bring the autumn season into the classroom!
World Space Week Lotto Black and White

World Space Week Lotto Black and White

A black and white Lotto game. Children will enjoy playing this game and talking about the various themed pictures. 15 cards to copy and cut. 6 Lotto boards for group work.
Bumper Science Sorting Card  Sets

Bumper Science Sorting Card Sets

This resource is designed for EYFS and KS1 children, aiming to enrich science lessons with hands-on activities that promote close observation, sorting skills, speaking and listening and critical thinking. The collection comprises 13 distinct sets of colourful cards. Each worksheet containing 6 cards that present a visual dichotomy for children to explore and sort. Children sort into 2 sets per sheet. The pages include contrasting sorting concepts such as plastic or wood, metal or woollen, crispy or smooth, hot or cold, sticky or soft, furry or smooth, and shiny or dull, among others. The resource also includes a final sorting sheet where children are encouraged to draw or paste items, creating their own sets based on the sorting principles they’ve learned, such as hot and cold.